11 Bad governance characteristics

Bad governance is government which is not legitimate, competent accountable and does not respect human rights and the rule of law. It is a government which rules against the wishes of the people. E.g. dictatorship. In this post we shall elaborate on the warning signs of bad governance characteristics, that may apply wherever you observe from on this planet.


Characteristics of Bad Governance
Characteristics of Bad Governance

Restriction on Political Parties

People are forced to vote for certain candidates whenever elections are held. Opposition parties are allowed to exist. If they exist they are strictly controlled by the government.

Lack of Separation Of Powers

Political power is controlled in the hands of one person or a few people. For instance the executive can interfere with the operations of the judiciary and the legislature.

Lack of Press Freedom

The press, in bad governance, is controlled by the government and often report favorably on government policies. Opposing or dissenting view are not allowed in government owned media.

Violation of Human Rights

There is no respect for human rights in bad governance. People who oppose the government can be tortured and detained without trial or can be killed.

Judiciary Not Independent in Bad governance

The Judiciary is not independent of the executive and the legislature. There is little respect for the rule of law. Political leaders do interfere with court proceedings without being punished by low. This means that those in power do not respect the rule of law and there is no fair trial.

Arbitrary Arrests

Arbitrary arrests are the arrest or detention of an individual in a case in which there is no likelihood or evidence that they committed a crime against legal statute or in which there has been no proper due process of law. Arbitrary detention is the violation of the right to liberty.

It is said to be the arrest and deprivation of liberty of a person. This normally happens to those who are just suspected to be critical of the government. There are secret agents working for government who spy on them they normally end up living in fear of been arrested.

Lack of Freedom Association and Assembly

Voluntary association such as trade union and non-governmental organization do not operate freely. Those which do not conform to government policies can be banned.

Neglect of Public Welfare

Government leaders do not care for the welfare of the people. There is corruption, nepotism, plunder, patronage and other forms of abuse of office. The majority of people are languishing in poverty while the few selfish leaders are so rich and enjoying life at its best.

Use of Force

The government uses force to remain in power and also by using other methods such as constitution amendments and postponement of election dates

Irregular and Unfair Elections

Elections are not held regularly. If held they are not free and fair. There is vote rigging.

Lack of Citizen Participation

The government decides for the people. People become servants instead of masters of the government. The government claims to know what good for the people is. People are rarely consulted and their concerns are often ignored.

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