Dependency Theory

2 Dimensions of the Development Gap

2 Dimensions of the Development Gap

Deprivation in developing countries is not simply a matter of low levels of per capita income. There are many other dimensions to the development gap between rich and poor countries. Developing countries generally experience much higher levels of unemployment, open and disguised than do developed countries. The levels of education, health and nutrition are often abysmally

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Dependency Theory, Dependency Theory, Development Studies
Metropoles and Satellites According to  Baran

Metropoles and Satellites According to Baran

Introduction Andrea Gunder Frank, like Baran, was interested in identifying the causes of underdevelopment, but unlike his predecessor he did not lay great emphasis on the social classes and their control over the economic surplus. Rather, Frank argued that the crucial mechanism for extraction of the surplus was trade and other kinds of exchange of

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Dependency Theory, Development Studies
Theory of Conscientization

Theory of Conscientization

TFD is rooted in the theory of conscientization attributed to the Brazilian Adult Educator, Paulo Freire who worked with the poor people in North-Eastern Brazil in the province called Recife. Most of his thinking arose from that relationship with the poor. You will need to read Pedagogy of the Oppressed a small hut complex book that

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Dependency Theory, Development Studies
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